Wednesday 19th March
(P1 / P2 / P3 - stand for performance one / two / three)
(This was just to start making us think about possible ideas for the planning of our own performances.)
In this group meeting we managed to come up with a good start to our composition, chopping and changing where we needed to as we recorded our sound as to critique what we were doing as it was hard listening to all the sound we were making as it seemed quite loud in the small room that we were in.
We colour coded each person so we could some what recognize each mark for each sound-maker, the mark in which was drawn was really helpful as it gave us a visual representation of what we thought the sound looked like. My marks are represented bly the long black lines and box shapes in the centre.
This was one of the first recordings we did as a group, so we found it quite interesting listening back to what we had created together. It was also a handy way to see what was working and what was not working.
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