Sunday, 23 March 2014

The Contrast of Sound Art

Merzbow / Masami Akita and Rebecca Horn

The reason why I decided to contrast these two artist is because they are both so different! Merzbows performances are highly electronic based with big amplifiers and screeching noises where as Rebeca Horns work is the complete oposite in the fact that her work is supa quite although has a screeching aspect as her work is so odd it almost makes you feel uncomfortable.

Merzbow / Masami Akita
Merzbow is a janpanese Sound Artist since 1979 and had released over 350 recordings. His music has quite a dark feeling to it and is very loud and in your face like Rebecca just in a more obvious way. 

Rebecca Horn
From watching this video you are supposed to feel uncomfortable as it is a reflection on a time of her life when she was very ill. The long nail like fingers scraping against the wall are like an extension of her arms which could not reach the walls from a bed, you get the feeling of being far away. At the time when she was ill sexism was still very much a problem, and the bird part of this video signifies how women of that time were kept in rooms looking out into the outside world. like the bird trying to scratch out and fly, women were trying to get equality in the world they were looking out upon, but instead they were becoming like parrots just repeating what they had been told.
-extension of the body
-shows great tension
-shows a high level of comitment

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