Sunday 23 March 2014

John Cage

Out of all the sounds artists there are to look at I have defiantly found John Cage to be by far one of the most interesting. His interpretation of how we should listen to the world, to the smallest and to the largest of sounds around us. An alternative to music that speaks to you, a new langage to communicate through.

"Some people say, to just be a sound is useless, where as I love sounds, just as they are and I have no need for them to be anything more than they are."
I love his absolute passion which shows through what he believes about sounds and his love for their simplicity or complexity.

John Cage - 4'33"

The surprise in the audience and the joy it brings them that this is completely different to anything they have heard or should I say haven't heard is really funny to watch. It's amazing that Cage was able to captivate his audience so easily and keep them on their toes for the entre performance.

On Cages official website I found a link for a free phone App download called "Prepared Piano" which is basically an app that helps you create sound art by selecting different objects and creating your very own composition, inspired by John Cage. Which I thought was an awsome quick way to start experimenting with sound.

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