Sunday 23 March 2014

Refining my Choice of Objects

In sight of recent studio experiments i have vastly changed my choice of objects, as I was finding them difficult to produce any interesting / non obvious sounds.

Original 3 objects:                           Refined 3 Objects:
-Lantern                                          -Plastic Juice Bottle
-Jandal                                            -Lantern
-Plastic Leaves                               -Tape-measure

Although I have heard of a Sound Artist (unknown) who has used jandals as their instruments to make a successful arrangement of sound, I felt that I needed to find another object to inspire myself more and in saying that I have replaced it with my juice bottle.

The Plastic leaves were hard to make a variety of sounds from as they made the obvious rustling noise that you would expect, and therefore I decided to find an object which I would hopefully be able to manipulate vastly; a large plastic bottle. In saying this I did keep the vine from the plastic leaves to further experiment with as an extra 'tool', to add to the materials list I will be sourcing.

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